Mixing Primaries Using Only Secondary Colors ????

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If you’ve ever heard that primary colors can’t be mixed from other colors, you might be surprised to learn that it’s possible to mix primaries using only secondary colors. ????????????????

In this painting, I used a set of secondaries—permanent green light, pale violet, cadmium orange, and of course, titanium white—to create a soft blue, a muted rusty red, and a yellow-ish tone (though the yellow is a bit of a stretch).

The beauty of a secondaries-only color study is how it challenges your understanding of relative color. My green and violet lean towards blue, resulting in a lovely green, but this comes at the expense of a true red and yellow.

Experiment with different secondary combinations to push your color mixing skills and discover new palettes. Not all secondaries are created equal, so tag me if you try this out and share your results!

#secondarycolors #learntopaint

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