Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704) Marche en Rondeau - Te Deum H.146 - Willem van Twillert IBACH -organ Bergen op Zoom [NL] Arr. Guy Morancon WITH SCORE
Charpentier (1643-1704) was een leerling van Giacomo Carissimi in Rome.
Na zijn terugkeer in Parijs werd hij privé-componist voor Maria van Guise (tot haar dood in 1688). Charpentier componeerde later voor de Comédie Française, waar hij samenwerkte met Molière.
Rond 1688 werd Charpentier componist voor de jezuïeten en in 1698 kapelmeester van de Sainte-Chapelle.
Behalve twee opera's en diverse toneelmuzieken schreef Charpentier kerkmuziek, onder meer tien missen, een requiem en andere liturgische muziek met instrumentale begeleiding, variërend van enkele instrumenten tot volledig orkest.
De Marche en rondeau van zijn Te Deum in D groot voor solisten, koor en orkest, gecomponeerd ter ere van de Vrede van Nijmegen in 1678, is beroemd als herkenningsmelodie van Eurovisie-uitzendingen.
Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704 composed his famous Marche en rondeau. This is the opening of his TE DEUM, composed in honor of the peace treaty of Nijmegen in 1678.
The prelude to his Te Deum - H.146 - is the signature tune for the European Broadcasting Union, heard in the opening credits of Eurovision events.
This theme was also the intro to The Olympiad films of Bud Greenspan and also the intro to the Eurovision Song Contest.
Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704) studied with Giacomo Carissimi in Rome.
After his return to Paris, he became a private composer for Maria of Guise (until she died in 1688).
Charpentier later composed for the Comédie Française, where he assisted Molière.
Around 1688 Charpentier Charpentier became the composer of the Carmelites of Rue du Bouloir, Montmartre Abbey, Abbaye-aux-Bois and Port-Royal and in 1698 Charpentier was appointed music master for the children of the Sainte-Chapelle du Palais
After having obtained from the king Louis XIV a softening of Lully's monopoly, Molière turned to Charpentier to compose the music for the intermissions of Circe and Andromeda and sung scenes for the revivals of The Forced Marriage, and finally the musical pieces of The Imaginary invalid.
He composed secular works, stage music, operas, cantatas, sonatas, symphonies, as well as sacred music, motets (large or small), oratorios, masses, psalms, Magnificats, Litanies.
Marc-Antoine Charpentier dominated the Baroque music scene in seventeenth-century France because of the quality of his prolific output.
He mastered all genres, and his skill in writing sacred vocal music was especially hailed by his contemporaries.
Charpentier's complete works must have numbered about 800 opus numbers at his death, but today only 28 autograph volumes remain, or more than 500 pieces that he himself took care to classify.
This collection, called Mélanges, is one of the most comprehensive sets of musical autograph manuscripts of all time.
Audio recording: Marien Stouten
Video: Marien Stouten
Video & Audio editing: Herman Logtenberg
Registrant: Antoinette Mooij
Productie: Willem van Twillert [Stichting Promotie Orgel Projecten]
Design Overhemd: Lidewij van Twillert
Dank aan Janno den Engelsman, titularis Ibach-orgel Bergen op Zoom, voor stemmen van de tongwerken en Hans Smout voor de gastvrije ontvangst en organisatie.
Charpentier (1643-1704) was een leerling van Giacomo Carissimi in Rome.
Na zijn terugkeer in Parijs werd hij privé-componist voor Maria van Guise (tot haar dood in 1688). Charpentier componeerde later voor de Comédie Française, waar hij samenwerkte met Molière.
Rond 1688 werd Charpentier componist voor de jezuïeten en in 1698 kapelmeester van de Sainte-Chapelle.
Behalve twee opera's en diverse toneelmuzieken schreef Charpentier kerkmuziek, onder meer tien missen, een requiem en andere liturgische muziek met instrumentale begeleiding, variërend van enkele instrumenten tot volledig orkest.
De Marche en rondeau van zijn Te Deum in D groot voor solisten, koor en orkest, gecomponeerd ter ere van de Vrede van Nijmegen in 1678, is beroemd als herkenningsmelodie van Eurovisie-uitzendingen.
Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704 composed his famous Marche en rondeau. This is the opening of his TE DEUM, composed in honor of the peace treaty of Nijmegen in 1678.
The prelude to his Te Deum - H.146 - is the signature tune for the European Broadcasting Union, heard in the opening credits of Eurovision events.
This theme was also the intro to The Olympiad films of Bud Greenspan and also the intro to the Eurovision Song Contest.
Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704) studied with Giacomo Carissimi in Rome.
After his return to Paris, he became a private composer for Maria of Guise (until she died in 1688).
Charpentier later composed for the Comédie Française, where he assisted Molière.
Around 1688 Charpentier Charpentier became the composer of the Carmelites of Rue du Bouloir, Montmartre Abbey, Abbaye-aux-Bois and Port-Royal and in 1698 Charpentier was appointed music master for the children of the Sainte-Chapelle du Palais
After having obtained from the king Louis XIV a softening of Lully's monopoly, Molière turned to Charpentier to compose the music for the intermissions of Circe and Andromeda and sung scenes for the revivals of The Forced Marriage, and finally the musical pieces of The Imaginary invalid.
He composed secular works, stage music, operas, cantatas, sonatas, symphonies, as well as sacred music, motets (large or small), oratorios, masses, psalms, Magnificats, Litanies.
Marc-Antoine Charpentier dominated the Baroque music scene in seventeenth-century France because of the quality of his prolific output.
He mastered all genres, and his skill in writing sacred vocal music was especially hailed by his contemporaries.
Charpentier's complete works must have numbered about 800 opus numbers at his death, but today only 28 autograph volumes remain, or more than 500 pieces that he himself took care to classify.
This collection, called Mélanges, is one of the most comprehensive sets of musical autograph manuscripts of all time.
Audio recording: Marien Stouten
Video: Marien Stouten
Video & Audio editing: Herman Logtenberg
Registrant: Antoinette Mooij
Productie: Willem van Twillert [Stichting Promotie Orgel Projecten]
Design Overhemd: Lidewij van Twillert
Dank aan Janno den Engelsman, titularis Ibach-orgel Bergen op Zoom, voor stemmen van de tongwerken en Hans Smout voor de gastvrije ontvangst en organisatie.
- Catégories
- Comedies Musicales