EngSub《羋月後傳》傳奇女子#孙俪 惹兄弟相殘篡謀皇位,後宮眾妃爭寵紛爭不斷,最後國破家亡!#袁弘 #张彬彬 刘涛 #赵丽颖 #杨蓉 EP07

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主演:#孫儷#袁弘 #張彬彬 劉濤 #趙麗穎 #楊蓉#伊一#譚耀文
During the Spring and Autumn period, in the state of Wei, Queen Zhao gave birth to the eldest son, Duke Jian, of King Wu. Soon after, Consort Wu gave birth to the crown prince, Zhonghao. The birth of two sons brought great joy to King Wu and the entire nation celebrated. After King Wu's passing, Duke Jian ascended to the throne as King Xuan of Wei, while Zhonghao was granted the title of Marquis Yongjia.

Han Yingzhu arrived in the capital city and sought justice for her father from Hong Shun. With Duke Jian's assistance, they brought Hong Shun to justice. Both Duke Jian and Zhonghao became infatuated with Han Yingzhu, and she fulfilled her promise by marrying Duke Jian. Zhonghao, feeling desolate, developed a thirst for power.

Duke Jian violated the mutual market agreement and engaged in a war with the Bai Di tribe. He personally led the campaign but was defeated and captured. Zhonghao ascended to the throne as King Ming of Wei. However, he firmly rejected the Bai Di tribe's offer to exchange Duke Jian for mutual market access. Han Yingzhu, in despair and longing for Duke Jian, disregarded Zhonghao's affection. Duke Jian found solace only in the loyalty of Prime Minister Qian Xian. Princess Su Ya of the Bai Di tribe held an interest in Duke Jian, but he remained devoted to Han Yingzhu.

With Su Ya's assistance, Duke Jian returned to his homeland but was imprisoned in the Nangong Palace, where he relied on Han Yingzhu for support. Seven years later, Qian Xian and other courtiers orchestrated a political coup, reinstating Duke Jian to the throne. Zhonghao was deposed and met his demise with laughter. On the same day, Han Yingzhu passed away.

Although Duke Jian's reign became increasingly stable, he could never escape his longing for Han Yingzhu, and he lived a solitary life until his old age.
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