You know Leonardo DaVinci from his works, The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. However, did you know that he might also have had ADD? Even though Leo is considered one of the world's greatest artist, he only completed around 20 paintings, and all of his sculptures were either left unfinished or destroyed. Out of the over 13,000 pages from his notebook,
that featured inventions like catapults, flame throwers, tanks, and a flying machine. None of these contraptions were actually built. Also, while some historians think that The Mona Lisa lacked eyebrows because of the fashions of the time, other portraits of DaVinci show women with eyebrows, which suggest that he just left The Mona Lisa unfinished.
In fact, it took him extra long to complete The Last Supper because he spent a bunch of time trying to contemplate a face evil enough to represent Judas. We know that mental health challenges and genius often coexist, but do you think that Leo had ADD? Leave me a comment and let me know.
#shorts #arthistory #art
that featured inventions like catapults, flame throwers, tanks, and a flying machine. None of these contraptions were actually built. Also, while some historians think that The Mona Lisa lacked eyebrows because of the fashions of the time, other portraits of DaVinci show women with eyebrows, which suggest that he just left The Mona Lisa unfinished.
In fact, it took him extra long to complete The Last Supper because he spent a bunch of time trying to contemplate a face evil enough to represent Judas. We know that mental health challenges and genius often coexist, but do you think that Leo had ADD? Leave me a comment and let me know.
#shorts #arthistory #art
- Catégories
- Sculptures