Singapore born artist Tanoepang's Sculpture or Toy
A man who changes The world of ART *One of the talented artist is----------Tan Oe Pang because of his creative fusion of the two stands (Classical Chinese and Western Art)into this 'Third Tradition 'in the process wit and humour emerge from a 'Westernisation 'of Traditional images such as landscapes and the 'Traditionalisation 'of 'Western images '--------MR ALBERT GILLISSEN, DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA
A man who changes The world of ART *One of the talented artist is----------Tan Oe Pang because of his creative fusion of the two stands (Classical Chinese and Western Art)into this 'Third Tradition 'in the process wit and humour emerge from a 'Westernisation 'of Traditional images such as landscapes and the 'Traditionalisation 'of 'Western images '--------MR ALBERT GILLISSEN, DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE THE UNIVERSITY OF ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA
- Catégories
- Sculptures