“Untitled Ochoppee Project”, created by Finn Schult, is a mixed media diorama considering Florida’s real and speculated history and lore.
The Ochoppee Post Office is the smallest post office in the US and people come from all over just to get mail with the Ochoppee Stamp. Florida’s most well known cryptid, the skunk ape, is believed to live just east of the Ochoppee Post Office on one of Florida’s historic roadways, Old 41 aka Tamiami Trail. 41 runs from Tampa down the Gulf Coast and then across the Everglades to Miami. This particular section of the trail is incredibly rich in Floridian lore and Finn’s diorama celebrates its unique history.
Finn Schult is an interdisciplinary artist and curator based out of the American South. Finn is an alumni of the Skowhegan School for Painting and Sculpture, the Savannah College of Art and Design and Cranbrook Academy of Art. Finn has exhibited work international and is currently the co-director of the contemporary art gallery, HEIRESS in St. Pete, Florida.
The Ochoppee Post Office is the smallest post office in the US and people come from all over just to get mail with the Ochoppee Stamp. Florida’s most well known cryptid, the skunk ape, is believed to live just east of the Ochoppee Post Office on one of Florida’s historic roadways, Old 41 aka Tamiami Trail. 41 runs from Tampa down the Gulf Coast and then across the Everglades to Miami. This particular section of the trail is incredibly rich in Floridian lore and Finn’s diorama celebrates its unique history.
Finn Schult is an interdisciplinary artist and curator based out of the American South. Finn is an alumni of the Skowhegan School for Painting and Sculpture, the Savannah College of Art and Design and Cranbrook Academy of Art. Finn has exhibited work international and is currently the co-director of the contemporary art gallery, HEIRESS in St. Pete, Florida.
- Catégories
- Sculptures